This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"

The down time

By Imaginary That Never Ends. on 11:59 PM

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It's hard time for me in this moment..yesterday was my first paper that i feared the most for this semester again..YES again...because i am on a second attempt on that paper...seriously this time it stunned nicely man...

for the first half of the paper was great...and drastic change on the second part....I am just lack of knowledge on doing math question ( not trying to de-motivate myself) ..I guess i am lazy afterall .. hope i can get rid of this paper or else my dad will be so disappointed...

Sorry dad , seriously i hate math a lot...for so many post i have come across the same thing..hate math , become so lazy to do....cant go into my mind , always do mistake...that's the challenge that strike me hard which make me feel really regret...I am sorry to myself...

I believe dad will say tat too..."you're not sorry to me , just that you're sorry to yourself because future is yours"

therefore i must be fighting hard for coming subject...Dont let disappointment capture my mind , conquer my territory..Dont let it spread!!

"Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man"
Suit me nice and well which cause me regret and disappointment
Either i am a winner or quitter...i am not an idiot for sure from now on.

1 comments for this post


Jia you!! you can do it! :))

Posted on November 5, 2010 at 9:10 AM