This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"

Everything In Today...

By Imaginary That Never Ends. on 3:16 AM

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Just when i am back into home , i was reading a magazine that i had bought it 1 month ago when i still staying at home play games and sleep all day..and today i read back the magazine that i just flip through few pages .. it has change to another life style , what if i never start to find job and now how my daily life will look like , and know nothing about those i have learn till today...=)

Glad that i take the initiative to find out something that make me learn more than just work..but the cons of it is that i always feel super sleepy when i wake up in the early morning .....and actually 1 of my department senior engineer spot me "fishing" when working and end up i got some lecture yet i feel the lecture is good for least is not spotted by my manager right???

Something that i heard long time before but i never experience how it will look like when come to real situation..for example i remember people told me before " why many people who working for others is not getting very rich in this world" indeed if you read rich dad book you most probably get the answer why , if not the reason is simple " because most working people wont have enough time to get into business world or more specifically "The Rich World" to get into it then you need to read rich dad's very subjective actually , maybe you feel this is nonsense , well for me i feel he's right..

How that different when you just listen to what people saying and when u experience it will be can see that when u working , not just 9am-5pm as simple as that ..of cos after work u will find it quite tiring and wan to relax at home...and this process continue again tomorrow... until weekends come , you will have some good sleep or maybe continue some of your undone job..then come to a question where's the time you put in for your financial plan for the future regardless of a business or personal plan...

so many thing that i learn how to see through it and solve it ...i think a lot more that i still dunno how to solve =) should be like that only fun ..

When you are free , just think of this:----
Everything is your mindset that matter , even in the case when you feel sleepy or stress .. Word that you speak is a very amazing thing , when you of think it and speak it automatically is directed to your action too (most of the time) ..... to keep it short , if you keep saying you are tired it become a habit that make u tired whenever u think you are tired..stress is the same case ...

Even you are tired or stress , just think of something else that worth thinking...those negative thinking wont bring u benefit but you will make your performance worse still..Just try on this whenever stress and tired come to your mind ...

Life path is the way how you think that construct it...

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