This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"

Sometime I Cant Control!Stresssssssedddddd

By Imaginary That Never Ends. on 10:32 PM

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Yesterday night was a awkful night , i got so upset dunno why..

  • Is it because i lost my direction ?
  • I come across somebody message and make me feel so lonely up?
  • hormone imbalance? lol...

Maybe is because i just open up too free to think about anything that's unnecessary!
Just cant stop thinking foolish thing that i feel that's idiotic...well well sometime people tend to be stupid.
Unexpected things always spike up suddenly that u will trap inside there ..i know my friend all is now very busy and some even feel very stress..why dont stop and think what's your today goal that u need to achieve??

What stressed actually is when u look it backward.

Desserts = 1/Stressed

Actually it help you to color up today with some bitter experience that you will learn from and this is a life-long skill that you obtain...It's a good deal when u learning something that's hard for you in present but u can use it in the rest of your life ?? Think about that deal.

Lets dont think about the pain ,enjoy what u will get after the pain!!

Just like doing physical training !! Want a bigger muscle must withstand those pain ...

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