This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"
i have no idea how can a people be so bad luck ....
it ruin my mood much more much more, i really feel like crying...although all of that is just small matter that maybe it wont bother other ppl much...seem it's too much for me to take it ...=(
At the first ,during the Sunway Lagoon trip i have my shampoo pour over my whole bag , include the book i like the most and my cloths that i brought for the trip, half of it cover with shampoo ..i spend around half an hour to get my bag clean by only half ...just no longer have any mood to clean up my bag anymore , feel very tired and unpleasant...
When the last day of the trip, my bag got badly "damage while" i carrying my heavy of the carry side gone case and i need to hug my bag all the way ..lucky in the unlucky way , that's my last day so i no need to carry it all the way to other place....
When i come back , i got lots of stuff to do....coming event , clean up my room and do all the house work that left over for few days...
You sure cant belive it if i say i went to cinema to have a movie on the unlucky day...I try to get rid of it , when the long queue infront of cinema reach my turn ...I wish to get 1 ticket for dark knight , MANATAU full house that day .i have 2 choices left 1 is go home another 1 is watch other movie...i choosen hell boy 2 as my substitution, after waiting for quite some time i got myself seated ..Half way i look at the seat number beside me, i found it's G 13 -.- while my seat actually is F13 i guess i got my face red and faster run up to F13..the couple were staring at me..dam embarassing -.-!!Btw hellboy2 is a Nice movie to watch !!
Today , i dunno where the hell the printer wrong at, i come to a trouble where de i wan to print a letter for my dad and my red ink finish ..the important part is the letter is black and white so is that anything to do with red color?the dammit printer just dun let me print what i wanna to print...i work on it for few last i decide to go and buy de red catridge...i was in the rush because tesco close at 11 and i go out from my house at 10.40 so i speeding all the way...and forgotten de entrance floor is too high , and i scratch my car nicely...
After i got my car parked ,i run up like a bullet to tesco and find the catridge ...HoLY Crap -.-!! there's no red catridge left there....
See!!how lucky i am..i dunno what will happen again tomorrow, hope it's the end of July and nothing bring to august...if not i really going insane.
MY GOODNESS i cant belive math 4 is when i pass up my exam answer for math, i almost cry but yet feel so "pek cek" , i got 2 question didnt do...the first 1 ,my lecturer say is the hardest so i didnt go and bother it..because if i stay on the question i sure dunno do and at last i wasted unnecessary time on that question also...another 1 is the question 4, sorry for being rude but i really think of scolding the F word other reason than although i know how to do the question but i didnt manage to finish it!!it's like a RM100 infront of you , but when just a step away to get flew away -.-...(@*)#(*)@##)@ overall is still ok, Miss tan this time very considerate =D because she know i this dummmy sure dunno how to do so she also set the question that half of it suit my standard..THX Miss TAN!
well tomorrow is my last paper, but right now i am really too happy because math is over....tomorrow that paper also hard =D...Enjoy the 3 coming semester and say bye bye to -math- stupid subjects make my CGPA here i wan to thanks my mom my dad my friends especially my group 3 Smart-Ass and much more much more lol!!ok finish happing later going to study for tomorrow ...tonight maybe coffe night again!!
Mr Joshua yam , Mr Lim Seong Peng and Mr Jeremie ....Once again thanks for being my private lecturer in Math 1-4 !!Friendship That Last Forever belong to you and me ..GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW!!
Yahuuuuuuuu~~ happy betul .....finally my exam left 2 subjects ,which can be say the hardest subjects for this semester..
Engineering Math 4 (wednesday)
Electric circuit and analysis (Thursday)
Friday work then Saturday night depart from Penang to KL!!
wahaha plan properly d...hope everything will be smooth going =/..other than that need to thanks daniel first!!we were almost fainted when come to bus ticket problem, the bus will depart on saturday night around 8.30pm which means , we will arrive at KL around 2am!!-.-!! so early in the morning who going to fetch us and let us stay at their house la, ^^ but luckily got daniel this leng chai say he will open de gate wide wide for us!!so touching T_T...we no need to sleep on the street d!! friend summo say if not go find 1 hotel in KL first lor, all the KL hotel expensive until my 2 eyes also will pop out!!summo not worthy!!
Sigh at first 6 of us going ,now left 4 ....more ppl more fun ma, hope daniel they can make it to sunway lagoon ....ok la time to have a nap ,later going to Mac-Donald "k-book" again...i hope my lecturer didn't try to trick us by saying all the tips coming out...i already going to die in math d...hope she wont so cruel lead us to a dead maze -.-!!pray pray...
我要如何 才能擁抱妳呢 緊緊抱著 我吻妳妳附和
從朋友 晉升情人角色 從苦澀 轉變成了快樂
把鑰匙交給了妳 妳卻轉身將我囚禁
在一扇叫做等待的門裡 妳試過 那麼多心的鎖
怎麼就不來開啟 我的愛情
Love you, Love you, May I love you?
Tell me what to do
才能讓你不孤單 我不孤獨 一起找幸福
請放心 我還是妳的信徒
Love you, Love you, May I love you?
Tell me you love me too
我可以繼續付出 付出就夠我滿足
我奢望 時間會為我祝福
看著我這樣投入 難道妳都沒有感觸
不接受至少給我些幫助 就說你感動到想哭
=/ ...that's the way to maintain dynamic equilibrium life ...everything is keep increasing at the side of price...our salary? it's still the same..i no need to pay electric bill still can blogging everyday , i no need pay maintenance fees i still can live in my house...but what i earn isn't enough for my spending also..sigh hope i will get my rebate for petrol asap.
This post is not come from my idea, is i get it from some of other friend =)...It's Nice Enjoy it...=)
忽然有一天,女孩没有收到他发来的短信,心里有一种莫名的失落和不安。她问自己,是不是喜欢上了这个男孩。她想起了自己的誓言,开始努力强迫自己不去想 他,但男孩的影子总是若隐若现地在脑海里飘来飘去。她觉得这种思念怪怪的,和原来恋爱时的感觉不一样-当她恋爱时,那种思念就像火一样炽烈,不断地燃烧 着,吞噬着自己的一切,占据了自己全部的灵魂,除了思念再也不能做任何事了;而现在呢,她说不清,她从未感到还有这样一种思念是淡淡的,有点虚无但又无处 不在,不需要付出什么却总能感到一种温情,就像在房间的角落里摆上了一束百合,淡淡的幽香弥散了整个房间,却又不会让你刻意地去想,让你感到不自在。
女孩决心要弄明白。一天,男孩给她打电话问她最近过得开心么。聊着聊着,她突然问这个男孩为什么没有女朋友,要不要帮他介绍一个。她问的时候心跳得很快, 但又装出一副开玩笑的口气。男孩说好啊好啊。她不知道那来的勇气,突然说那就考虑一下我吧。电话那端沉默了好久,女孩觉得自己太冲动了,预感到自己好像要 毁掉什么似的。男孩终于开口了,说我们还是像这样做朋友的好。她不甘地又问为什么呢?你不喜欢我什么地方。又是好久的沉默,然后,男孩用一种缓慢的口气, 好像要让每个字都沉进女孩的心里似的,说-“我担心,如果以后你再失恋了,会没有人再来安慰你了。”
女孩突然想起男孩曾经说过,这个世界只有三种颜色-红色,蓝色和绿色-红色是冲动,是激情,是毁灭一切的力量;蓝色是忧郁,是深刻,是沉沦一切的力量;绿 色是平和,是安逸,是抚慰一切的力量;经过红色的爱情,蓝色的失恋,那么绿色的思念就是你最好的心灵鸡汤。爱情的时间是多久?几个星期?几个月?还是几 年?但不管多久,爱情总是会过期的。而这种思念呢,永远也不会过期。
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
Have a new idea to say any greeting? =D...i think i see this b4 juz dunno at where...some ppl maybe think i very outdated ..actually this is posted by a DJ from Mix.FM ..i recently found this through my peers ....
ALL THE BEST FOR all ppl who facing or going to face exam soon enough!! now it's around 1am , i still doing summary for tomorrow exam...i am not panic , a bit relaxing...not because i prepared well, just i enjoy the process of finishing exam ...=D after exam i going to KL to have my fun trip and close up a page that left empty in my so called memories album exciting!! maybe now all my classmate still studying ...memorizing who's the stupid fella that come out with those stupid terms...nonetheless it's the process of learning, i doesn't mean that i enjoy it..just it's only gate way to enter the "palace of society" to have a comparison with other ppl same field with me..
Of cos i wont easily let them go if i enter the field i like!! not to prove that who's the better man , but is to take the challenge to solve the problems *winks
Take it Easy ...dun take it too hard =), life isn't all about exam...enjoy the ride and smile to face it ^^.My style My Life...
somehow and somehow , i feel nothing more than a bit stress and dunno what actually i am doing...ARGH!!Maybe i just need to be alone , too much things i cant cope =(...i will stay in my home for this 2-3 weeks, hope that it will over soon..Next monday exam going to start , it's going to be end for semester 4..i left 15 subjects to go, some easy some hard , whatever it's i am still happy with my math for diploma come to the end...NO MORE MATH in semester going to be busy 10x than currently ,yet i still feel very 3 semester i will try to get 4 flat for all the subjects!!!Just wanna say "YEA I AM FREE FROM MATH" ...will be busy for next 3 weeks..see ya after that
Next week d is my exam week , so today when i was working in the lab ....i take the initiative to revise myself ...i know going to die in exam d but at least dun wan die until so ugly ...but of course i am not the 1 who is the first 1 reach at the Laboratory and started to study like a nerd and "siao lang" (keep scratching head and "worried" face) ..sometime i also will become siao lang but it's harder than you see rainbow after rain , beside my college of cos other ppls like UCSI all the students also under stress ..
so always got peoples keep telling me , why i study so hard for the few thousands? if go and open a hawker stall and got a bit luck maybe can earn few thousands in 1 week d..Ya cant deny that's absolutely correct, i just diam diam saja when i heard that..
Whatever it's you know la, we not really hardworking students so most of us study when lecturer say exam held on which day which day..Back to lab there ,while i studying of course i need to work also , today the lab "business" ok ok lor..some of the ppls who come to me will keep saying sorry to interrupt , feel a bit irresponsible when they say that =D..but that didn't lead to the end of revision life...although feel irresponsible but i still dun wan die for irresponsible in exam...i continue from 10am - 5pm then go for lunch at i meet a bad service clerk that serve me ...for your information every tuesday have something call happy tuesday ( 25% discount for all the set like dinner plate and snack plate) so my friend invite me to have our dinner there and then continue "eat book" (eat book means study hard) , forget about the clerk..after we have our order we settle down at one of the table at the side there...then i tell my friend KFC 25 anniversary then 25% 100 anniversary then 100% ? but i think if 100% that time i also dun have teeth to eat we also forget about it....after finish our "licking finger KFC" we went back to lab and start study again but we have no study we fooling around and chit-chating we take few pictures that show when college students are in stressful mood ..This ppl stress in the god ...stress with those smelly chocolate lol..
i say this picture show he's like those ppl who taken drug
OMG OMG...see studies make me cant breath ....T_T i left the eyes only
SEE!!so many books and files...
OMG OMG OMG....i screwed up my electric and analysis quiz last week, sorry my response a bit slow...ah i am freaking down that day, left see see right see see i also wan to go bang wall..i screwed up the first question T_T...-1.5 marks left 8.5/10 and then other than that i hope nothing went wrong if not i going die d...noooooo i must get distinction for this subject !!
mali mali hoom, sir pls set the questions not as tricky as this quiz..or else..i gonna to say hi again to you next sem.pls pls pls...
STUDY HARD CANT PLAY HARD << exam coming nearer and nearer ..o no today organization and planning class sir say :EHEM, fellow students....for the final exam whose answer that is excel enuff only will get full marks -.-....once we heard this our heart thinking , die d this time ...then ma only 1 ppl can score HIGH MARKS lor...iyo sir ah, beri la chance sikit!! dun wan think d headache enuff =( study study , summo dad call me to do account things , modifying and changing over and over ...haiz can all things dun come 1 shot ah? i got 2 hands 1 brain to do those thing only..i think no need sleep for next few weeks d....
getting lazier to post =D..dun worry it will pop out much more post once my exam is over..It's the same again , busier and sometime very down =/..i always wondering my dad expect me to be perfect as the way he wanna me to be, although it's not a bad thing buttt sometime i have done my best with all my effort =( ...i dun mind scolding from him because always he taught me valuable lesson that i can find in popular neither MPH..beside appreciate i feel unhappy sometime , he's somehow like a company boss =D but of cos is much more caring than those "o sim" boss la...but when he got mad because of small thing maybe it seem that the mistake i make is 10x of the small mistake i have done =/...but less or more i feel now he is better temper than last time while he is still working..
After all .............................
i wanna say................
THX DAD !! although sometime things doesn't go the way i wan to but you taught me a lot of things..Life with much more emotions color up my white and black life, because those emotions coming from your face =).