This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"
Happy new year every1 in the world...
yesterday right after live on taipei countdown through tv, i was thinking to blog something about 2009 that is right infront of us now ..people was celebrating it throughout the world and same for malaysia ...every1 wish to cross over this 2008 that can say is not really a good year for quite many peoples , financial crisis is the hardest strike in 2008 that every1 is still worrying about how the future of their life look like...
For me i dont worry about financial problem as i am not the solebreadwinner of a 2008 i got many things that i wish to have , meanwhile there's still something that i not really happy with..nevermind , upcoming activities i should happy with because that's the start of my career..
In 2009 i never let this year go blank and i wan to have my plan and i will spend my time to finish out those things that in my plan...
-Get 4 flat for the next 2 semester
-Get 4 flat for Project A n B
-Have the CSI event that will surprise many people [in a good way]
-At least get into semi-finals for every competition
-Have a plan for my investment portfolio
-Learn all necessary terms and consult investment planner
-Save up RM400 per months and net saving of RM5000-6000
Hmm more =/ for seem just normal , but i wan to start it from normal to those unbelivable 1 =)...i know is going to be hard but i MUST achieve!!
In US nowadays those people who famous in those technology world , art ,design and so on so on all is in their 20's...and i am going to 20 soon , maybe i started it too late but i will catch up!!
GOGO 2009!!
As always everyone in this world know that there's some people that live in surprise , from every region of the world that give out donation to help those people ... feel pity for them?? but you dont have much money to donate or material items that can give them...
There's a way , although i don't know is that true or not but no harm trying...
There's a website call Free rice, from the web ads i read previously's a software engineer that wanna to help his kid to study so he think out of this program that help his kid to get into study through www...
Free Rice
and what is between this two things that i mentioned , there's also a group of people decided to use this website to help those people in hunger...therefore this website is under sponsor..for every answer you answer correctly you will donate 20 grains of rice to the UN world food program..
Got few subjects that can be answered...
and so on...some of the subjects is primary level and some is not...
Try that out, learn in a smart way meanwhile also help out those people in hunger..
More on free rice
now i am in holiday mood =)....
lets talk about what i learn during this holiday that isn't end yet...
for previous few holiday i will stay up in home and say boring until holiday end and i will say why so many things to do..
I believe many people will say the same thing as well...
This holiday maybe different a bit...
Hmm i think this holiday has been a week and yet i haven say anything that sound like boring...
playing game still my first option well maybe second or third ?
because i got something going on...
and 1 of it is learn how to see further and got a plan for next 10 years maybe?
I actually learned something that very valuable ....priceless indeed..
The first thing that happens after you upset you will find who you really are..
And the following i fully agree of it..
The cast of character who brought to center stage when upset from mistake occur..
The Liar
The liar will say such things as :"I didnt do that", Or " It wasnt me" or "I dont know how that happened" or "Prove it"
The Blammer.
The blammer will say such things as" it's your fault not mine" or "If my wife didnt spend so much i will be bettter off financially" and so on so on that push their blame on other people..
The Justifier
The justifier says thing such as "Well i dont have a good education so that's why i dont get ahead"
or "I would have made it if i had had more time" or " well every1 else was doing it"
The Quitter
The quitter says things such as "I told you that it would neveer work" Or "This is too hard and it's not worth it .I am going to do something else easier" or "Why am i doing this?i dont need this hassle"
The denier
This kind of people often call as cat in the littter box which means this person tends to bury his or her mistakes.The person who denies that he or she has made a mistake often say things such as "No,there's nothing wrong,things are fine"
"Mistake?what mistake"
"Dont worry things will work out"
When people are upset due to a mistake or accident,one or more of these characters will take oveer their mind and body.If you wan to learn and gain wisdom from the priceless mistake,you have to let The Responsible you eventually take control of your thinking.The Responsible you will eventually say,"What priceless lesson can i learn from this mistake?"
If a person say,"What i learned is that i'll never do this again" he or she probably has not learned much...Too many people live in a diminishing world because they continue to say ,i'll never do that again instead of saying ,i'm glad that happened because i learned this or that from experience.
Got it?? =)
Btw this is extract from some Rich dad book.. *winks*
Think about it which character bring to the center of the stage when you got upset from mistake.Or is that responsible that take over the role of the above 5??
Learn to accept mistake and learn the magic inside the mistake..
Ya ..There's another way to release your anger, try it out and tell me is tat useful..when you got angry the first thing you do is in your heart count 1 to 10...
If you are really really angry count from 1 to 100...
and after that just say i apologize =)..
Mistake bring wisdom ^^...
Yes yes i finish my last paper too so unpredictable huh ... actually for any1 in my class they think that the last paper is the easier , but ended to be the hardest and mind twisting question...
no doubt , for previous sem Mr.Khor who's the lecturer for this paper give us a very easy time for his paper , he sometime got exact same question from the past semester and with the same figure as well!!
But thing changed after there's a "clever" student go and complain that the questions from him is always the same and easy...
We face the big trouble when doing his paper , i got tricked for few times ...and some is unexpected question...and i think the whole class got trouble with the paper ...anyway i hope still can get distinction for that ...i dont wan a B+!!
K..end of story for exam like what i said in the previous post actually i got more to go in this coming 3 weeks holiday...and it arrived as soon as my exam end phone rang up and the calls from my partner start off the work we need to do...
Bring it over with regret , we cant catch up for the singapore robotics games 2009 ...but our next aims will be the imagine cup 2009 that is held on march 2009 ..When i got meeting with my lecturer , i was so tired ..because just come back from movies =P....
He gave me instruction about the thing we need to catch up when he's not here...
The important part is i need to take effort to lead my group into the work!!
why always i am the unlucky 1 =.=...
I hope everything going to be all right ...and my friend is under my consent =/...
YEA YEA...left 1 more for tomorrow =)
Today i reached so early to the college ...yesterday (sleepless night)....LOL tonight i cant believe my own eyes , some group in my class come earlier than me?!and usually they were the late comer to class ...
Last night i was awake for the whole night , i just barely go into sleep first i dont have the mood to study actually..i cant memorize a thing, but thank god after 1 hour my mood coming back to me ...
Btw today my 2 lecturer who is invigilator got so surprised.....1 of them got their mouth open quite big , she said : "EH tk you today summo got exam ah?"
ME:"Miss tan ah not only today tomorrow also got, this whole week my exam is continously 4 days"
LOL she got a shocked and shake her head by the mean of sympathetic...
Then when i go into the exam hall, my another lecturer walk to me ...
Lecturer:" TK you today also got exam ah?!"
ME:"Sir tomorrow i got your paper summo , so can give tips ah?"
he smile and walk away...
Ya tomorrow is the last day,just cant wait tomorrow to be over...
after that i wont be free also , got a lot of things to do ...=)
After we finish exam , as usual we talk a bit here and there about exam...and guess what got people who got 47.5/ 50 make some small mistake ...and most probably except that mistake he wont get anymore - marks from the papers...btw the question is 7 marks LOL...he then go to office wanna to assure that the answer we tell him is not just fooling him...
when we were there, the lecturer not there and mr kevin which is my yesterday paper lecturer was there ...then we go kacau lor , jeremie keep asking "SIR finish mark d ah?" ...and i help sir answer "if sir finish d he wont give you see also"
after that i add my own line , "sir i wan a lot of nike 1 har !!"
Sir was laughing and my another sir who's the lecturer for tomorrow paper walking to his place and say " iya give you all celcom la ..."
Have any idea what we talking about??
NIKE Indicate the correct 1 ...
Indicate the wrong 1....
There's no word that can explain how am i now....
Honestly today paper just haunted me for months , i had a quite bad result for today paper for the mid-term but yet is still in the scope of distinction!!
All come to the end's today paper??
It's just UNEXPECTED paper.....
When i got my paper ,i was like OMG!! damn damn damn....
I just cant belive it , i feel like crying T_T....
The paper was ....
quite ....=.= i nearly got heart attack...
but i happy too early , i come across some question that i need to think over and over again...eeee (damn...once again)...i just answer la...sometime question easy make people feel is a trap for you to step on and say GOTCHA by sir =.=..
After i finish all my question i rechecked for 3 times ...and i suddenly wan to do business...
i mean "business" ...small business...
I just pass up my paper and go out from the hall ...YAHOO!!
I told my friend ,after i finish this paper i must jump around !!
i didnt do that no because i have no guts ...just i don't feel like doing...and what's up now?
taking papers and read lor...hehe hope this sem got 4 flat xD.....
just worrying about the advanced electric circuit =.= but hope i didnt do too many careless mistake as i always did...
4 flat 4 flat 4 flat...celebrate christmas and new year with me =)
11/12/08-Switching and transmission 1 (we got special tips )
12/12/08-Advanced Modulation and Transmission (Got a lot to read , but lucky i didnt sleep in class so should be ok )
Despite exam is just pressure upon us, we having fun for since the beginning of December...
December indicate the end of 2008 that wont be returned forever....
Fuyoh bucks drinks that cost me RM15...
..see i so can summo go star bucks study =.= and enjoy de latte..LOL!!
while someone is concentrating on the exam !!
AH!! i can't study!! the enviroment there is more suitable to day-dream...
Of cos much more than exam we got events that was awesome...of cos christmas trees appear every where you go ,shopping market become more crowded than always..
salary still the same , as Christmas and CNY approaching shopping complex u can see people come from all over the place and not just only Malaysian..waaa....nice scene...under the circumstance of christmas...
see~~!!!OMG.i lovin it...
TOY'R'US wont be excluded from the list as well
The christmas tree with wishes written on the love shape card.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday i got seriously no time to pee ...REALLY!!Maybe i need to go see urology after that =.=.
For the day before yesterday my college is same like others college , open day come across the whole can see there's banner , here giving out scholarship there giving out free money and all sort of tactic they have in long as there's a media that can spread the news they got it in the list... =/ and this is marketing can be defined as xD...
See here's little about marketing, i meet countless people from marketing...their mouth is just as sweet as honey...but that's not enough to get the attention of people , they very good at choosing time to have their business and idea sink into your mind..and they seem like controlling your eyes and mind....when they are talking surely you will willing to listen more than you listen to your parents in house...
how come i know so well?? because on saturday 1 of the marketing person was appear infront of me and ask about the robotic workshop that me, josh ,sam ,jeremie and dr.gil in charge on...
she appear at the dam right timing while we are having our break there looking first she gave a pretty smile to.....
dr gil and then she ask how actually the robot works...
so i get my butt from the chair and explain to her what's on the earth with those robot on the table...
ahar....except she know how to ask question of cos she keep giving out complements as it's free...
here awesome there cool!! ...
even how unwillingly you were at that time , you will become volunteer without doubt to explain everything...
so...why she need to do that?? so that when got some customer is interested in engineering she can give them more information and convince them to take de course at our college other than other college and this is how marketing people work.Da-dang...this is the basic robot that ain't basic for 1 like sozai de is call NXT, de 1 like vaccum is call IRobot and the 4 bro-sis is call lulu, esther ,joshua and samuel...LOL!!Here is more picture on them..
Yo posing up...1 2 3 4...2 2 3 4...3 2 3 4..
The two morning shift dude who 1 looking at leng lui another 1 playing my rubiks cube...
Other than de charity sell down there, our college also got charity auction for some painting and this is the RM6000 painting which i dun understand why so expensive...
On that day our business for the workshop ain't bad , many people pass by will stay for a while to have a look what those thing can do..and some seem interested in those moving robot..=)
our job is to explain to them what those robot can do and at last bring them to marketing for "process" LOL!!Itu dia....the innocent sheep that going for process LOL!!
When the workshop coming to the end...My project advisor << ...
After the whole exhausted day , i had a short nap after reached my home...and fall into sleep unconciously ..when i woke up , the sun is settling down and the sky began to become dark...
i realise that today is the second day for PC fair, i call up josh and he promise to accompany to go PC fair to have a look...when we were there , people started to go into the venue...and some d finish buying their stuff and going home..many of them carrying printer and most of them is carrying more than 2 bags ..before you go in there, you know that your wallet today is going to become v v thin after come out from the pc fair...
We walked for quite a while and the people there is just too much....sometime even cant move at all...another thing is when you step u, here will give u 1 catalogue there will give you another 1...and i took how many i also forget d ..=.= but sometime they are quite stupid, there's so many stalls there and so many people giving out catalogue do they think that the people will really go and read or will bring all the catalogue home and file it up nicely...ya maybe but not for youth nowadays that d ready to go out with just few bucks left...after buy this and that...i saw a lot cheap stuff there of cos some offer you ridiculous price that you dont belive your own eyes and i think mostly is pirated for sure...
wherelse some offer the price quite high , we walked almost for 1 hour and then i told my friend to get back to the car because i am tired d so i just choose de cheaper portable HDD that on sale and balik d...then my friend told me we haven go into the main venue...OMG?! we haven there yet?! and this all is just small part of it...when we really step into the big pace with countless stalls there...that's la!! tonight no need to study for exam d, walk here and there can d...
and after half an hour i drop by a stalls that all people is buying the portable HDD as like it's free...Gila betul all that people, i also go see see lor...the price ok ok la...since many gila people buy i also buy lor..and it cost me RM183 to bring the new 160GB home...almost half of my monthly allowance..@^&#&@(#, guess what we were discussing what we going to do wit the 160GB since i dont have pornography collection like someone did..until now i not even use up 1GB...=.= sad case!! but is a good investment for long run =)...
tell you what , in my college there's a staff that got some skull base cancer and cause his eye sight to be darken by those cancer cells...therefore my college come up with charity sells ... i bought RM30 and i got RM75 free...u belive it?? some is when i sell it to people they told me that they have exam on this week and wont be able to turn up...some is from my friend that d bought the coupon but have the same reason "EXAM" all the coupon become mine...=.= i am good at spending cash at some particular stuff but not for foods .. The tunnel connected to the canteen (charity sells venue)
at least i cant spend RM100 on the food that on sell in that charity...most of them are college chef and with the help of lecturer and student council...the food is quite tasty but it the most expensive is just RM12 for a big plate of roasted chicken from western cafe...
=.= i will feed my stomach to maximum with just 1 of that plate...and what can i do with the rest of the money...
I bought two mashimaro from a charity stalls that selling misc things ...tie ,books ,machine ,shirt ,key chain and so on that contribute by them...and that stall is one of the most people bumping stall.. "OI faster come buy la!!take picture for what...he was shouting like that" and this is the ho fan stall
This is the assistant helping to put all the ingredients inside to make up a complete char ho fan ..and he got scolded too by the chef above ...he got scolded not because he taking picture but he was posing to the camera....LOL!!no la because he was just putting the ingredients like choosing wife that's why got scolded by the chef..
Woow char kuay teow..quite a long queue there...
i and josh also spend some money on game station, like seeing the words colour and say out the colour not the word and play guli and so on...ah...yaya there's a plant stall there as well...What people say is true =.= chinese can come out with any idea for doing business...what you can see in and out...siew mai for RM 5...i think should be a lot
see even monk can get some foods in the charity sells and there's no way u can find any reason to say you are hungry..OH my GOd!!those bread enough for me to eat 1 or 2 months...i like to eat white plain and tasty...but this stalll is selling monte cristo sandwich..and that's awesome..
Btw i actually should be at somewhere else doing something else with someone else...but because i was so fascinated by those stalls i couldn't make my mind up even the time is up..and at last when i reach there was 1 hour later than the time i appointed =.=...and i saw a HUGE doraemon there...and compare the size with the kids standing there =/...just wondering why they put doreamon here instead of santa claus =.=...takkan they evolve the snowman into doreamon =.=
..but quite creative if they did so..
and today i was late by almost 2 hours from the time i should appear at mac-d...
Damn it, i never late ...i and did it twice in 2 days sorry to the people who waited me in patience..
Tomorrow is C++ programming examination at LAB5 start at 10.00 can come and see me how i suffer , free admission..
P/S:dont misunderstand about the mashimaro , i actually bought it to apologize to the people who i appointed and late for 1 hour there... =)
M3rry Christmas and Happy New Year ...Good bye 2008
Every month when i got my salary , i will try to keep an eye on the money i spend for first few days ...after that??
Become this...

Ok maybe not so bad...
What i left when the month end is ...i have only RM50 mayb? in my pocket and need to spend for a week...actually that is sufficient, but i like to go bookstore and eat here and know penang is food paradise, if i dont eat feel so sorry to myself ...even my canteen food "tomyam fried rice " shouted by a aunty is much more nicer than you can find in klang anywhere..
For youth nowadays , maybe some is born with silver spoon or diamond spoon while some is really poor..and some is in medium range and i am in that dad dont give me money per week because it will make me spend more (i supposed) , my dad wont give me money per day because it seem like giving monthly allowance to a kids and troublesome too...Of cos dont be ridiculous think that my dad give me per annum...every month he will give me RM500 through my sister..and it's depends on me what to do with the money as long as do something that is not out of the law...
Iya tau tau la, if got girl friend of cos go watch movie and go hang kai kai...if dont have then?? eat lor play games and syoik sendiri with those new gadgets lor...=) but i found something last time..ok last year...when my sifu zai they always talk about investment in something (amway, as a peniaga mati ( dead boss) in subway and so on)
Some of them are RICH...they get a handphone that cost RM2900 from dad as a christmas gift..if i ever ask my dad to buy a handphone for me , the price must be 2900
and divide it by 4 times... opss i think most probably 5 times or 6 times...
What if i ask my dad for a handphone that cost RM2000++, i definately tell you he will call me go eat myself ..of cos i have no guts to ask him to buy me a handphone and it's still the same till phone K700 ,K810i all i bought it by tighten my belt for months !!
In your house , if your parents age is around 50-60 currently .. i think you should know whenever they go out to buy something , they will negotiate every single cent..and what for youth today?
Youth:"Eh tauke how much this phone har?"
Seller: "This phone RM800 "
Seller:"Sorry la boss, we also cari makan ma RM50 is too much"
Youth:"Abo RM770 lor"
Seller:"iyo boss we stand here so long everyday and we will help you to put in all your favourite songs later ma , dont like that la"
YOuth:"ok ok ,then how much the lowest you can offer"
Seller:"Ok la RM790 + 1 nice themes"
Youth:"sound not bad huh ok la"
And here is the dumb stupid youth is cheat by a low-class no skill seller...
and no doubt the youth was me..Of cos we dont negotiate for long and we just desire to get our thing bought and enjoy it...
Ok, just forget about the dumb case...
What i found was this :-


Maybe you are not familiar wit this sign...You know FD(Fixed deposit)?
I got bomb up nicely by the receptionist at Hong Leong bank nicely yesterday when i hope to get some information to invest my money in FD..
the women: "Yes sir what can i help you?"
Me:"Eh i wan to know how FD work in this bank ?"
The women:"What? you wan open a saving account?"
obviously this women is quite deaf =.= how the heck she can link fixed deposit with saving account...
Me:"Hmm nope i mean fixed deposit?"
The women:"ohh ok that depends on the categories you wanna to invest in, 3 % per month upon maturnity and minimum deposit is RM5000, 3% every 3 month upon maturnity and 3.5% per annum upon maturnity for minimum deposit RM500"
Me: "can i have a catalogue or some reference on FD please??"
The women:"I am sorry ,you know FD is very we dont have any catalogue for it"
I felt so embrassing...
As a rookie in this kind of investment ,of cos i need to careful with every single thing to earn maximum and loss nothing..and then today when i search in the net, of cos return rate for FD is the lowest and safest...
Other than that you can invest at a lot of thing you wanna to...and among all the famous 1 is mutual funds ...which give a high return return and lower risk than stocks market that earn in few minutes and finish all in few seconds...
What if 1 day i can be like this ooooo00000OOOO

I get all sources for investing here and there =)...but
I dont have any money to do so ... i have strong desire to earn my own money but i have no will to save money to start off...T_T
Ok nevermind i try to save from this month onward....
Josh next time got BMW 5 series d ,i fetch you go drink JUMBO Ice Kosong k???
 all the primary and secondary students in a happy holiday, what's more for spm student laaa..i know the feeling after you are freed from secondary...
Tertiary like us??
Now is our time to suffer ...alah i also wan to have some preparation for christmas ma..but my college always have exam nearly this time, and today i had sitted for my first paper xD...1 down 5 more to go...
Tonight i have no mood at all to listen to what my afternoon class lecturer talking about , i was sitting in the computer lab and just reading manga (shaman King)...dam interesting ...and supposingly today we shouldn't have a class as this week and next week is exam week but because the limit of time we need to have a extra class...
Our teacher rush through everything for the last minute in 1 class and how the heck we suppose to react to her lecture...she just write on the white board and Q&A herself and then just go through like a bullet train...My friend sitting beside me was complaning, i shrugged and sighed..and my friend was like O.M.G what is she trying to teach la!!
after 1 and a half hour she gave us a break, ahar yayaya...we were so eager to know our marks for the test that we had last week...and she just keep saying will give us at the end of the class...i guess she scare maybe the whole class will be crowded like pasar with the unsatisfied marks..
LOL she have experience on that the end of the class when she gave out the result to the class, those student that normally will be jumping here and there and some go peep here and there ...what else la to peep la, people marks la...and minority will try to get more marks even they got more than enough to get an "A"...and normally who go and nag lecturer will be the group of top student in the class...
They complain why she minus so many marks for a particular small tiny mistake which i think so too...but for her she cant just give us full marks as long as there's something she can find...iyo teacher ho sim la , even a mistake that can say is not even worth that marks she will still minus..sigh~~ i know there's no point argue with her ,i rather save my energy to warm up my stomach,her style we know it very well...
and something i saw on the spot and i d used to it ....1 of the top student who have quite a bizarre move always was so frustrated with the marking style of her...and poor him was facing another difficulty after the lost marks for nothing, his computer cannot work to check what part he wrong at....he was banging table and showing like protestor =/....
Well that's not the first time he did so , iya conclusion all people not happy with the marking..
summo layer up with stress most of them were so helpless and trying to just get another marks in order to get a pretty full 19/20 or 20/20 =.=..
I got enough for today paper, i might as well waiting for them to argue finish and we balik rumah together...
Yesterday i have a hard time in library , the table i sitted on was full of this 1luckily effort doesn't waste sia-sia like that paper still can do =)...
I was normal with stress this buzzword that you can find it at any college...ANY!!well dont be surprised when people tell you they cant even find anytime to go out for a short break...
i working in the lab, i saw countless people rushing for assignment project ....their hand is on their head scratching how to solve some scold bad words after few tries...i even see before a girl cried because she was so scare ......and da-dang...they sometime got experts help to explain like lecturer
But someone not so lucky like this:-most probably he is crying ='(...
and ended up like this Uh~~i .......die.....d
Eh dont belive ah?If you notice the day before yesterday ,there's a article about some doctor when studying gone mad or something...
Why dont you read Stressed from behind see what you get?? DESSERTS
Tomorrow is my final !!for.....
This semester only..This semester finally come to the end =)...well this semester is far more challenging than those previous 1 ,despite of the number of subjects i take in this semester ....all the subjects come with common " twist and turn" ...
cut it off ...enough of that =)....i should hurry up to the main objectives of this post...
i am pretty sure all people do admire someone for their talents and unbelievable skill that they have on any part of this earth...a sharp thinking that changes the living, inspiration that make miracle seem nothing and so on so on...
I was once again walk to bookstore to have a break after some difficult time of breathing in the library library is flood with students from all courses ,of cause the noise is proportional with the amount of people there...i have no mood to study my exam for tomorrow , nothing i can do but just to walk away from the crowded library...
I bought reader's digest that is available in the bookstore, i feel so tired after a short distance walk..i just sat down on the bench infront of the store and flip through the December issue..for those who is the "fans" of reader digest know well that inside every issues there's a page or 2 that about someone who is extraordinary , unnecessarily is a wealthy person and maybe it's another way round...
You may experience before , in your class there's someone is 'A' class students...of cos they good at answering all the question given despite the difficulty that set by the lecturer...Maybe someone is thinking "sigh ,how come he can get full marks while i just always far away from full marks..NOT FAIR MAN!! I doubt he/she is more hard-working than me, but why he still can get more marks than me as usual he just smsing in class and sometime even doing his own stuff"
OH?! i am sure some people think like this, when come to hard-work people will just say how hard-working there are and compare with the top student they are far more hardworking.. you know people go home didnt study?how you know people go toilet wont bring the book in and forcing their mind to remember E=MC^2 just on the toilet bowl...The main point is many people they just concern on the result whether is good or not,they didnt even wan to bother whether how much sweat and difficult for the people to become so well infront of everyone...
Still doubting?? let me give you a know billgates right?! er i mean Bill Gates , he's the most wealthy person ever for past few years but now his ranking drop d lol...yet very rich... come he so rich , why i cannot be like >> HIM!!
eh eh dont tell me you dont know him....he's the founder of the windows xp or vista that you using ....if you are using Microsoft OS!!
Except his name and his ranking of the most wealthy person in the world, did you know how he become so famous? and for those in 20's did you know what he were doing when you are reading through my blog post?
hehe..let me tell you something about the chairman of Microsoft Corp...
This guy who smiling above learn how to program when he were in his 13 ,he create the first software when he were in 18...he come out from harvard and become the founder of microsoft when he were in 20!!
OMG!! he is just insane =.=, i am also going to 20 but i am sitting infront of computer chatting through msn messenger maybe??This is the cover of Bill Gates as the the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential..
but because of his interest in computer he did everything with what he had despite challenges that come like wave..and here are the founder of international world wide microsoft corp chairman..
Opportunity wont pop out in a sudden and say hi i am here for must have guts to try ,scare lose everything and hesistate in every single step?
What he can do in 20 years we can do it too ..just the matter of how much you give out like him..he dare to open his dad computer and find what's inside the computer although he will be whack up nicely by his dad..but because of his interest he doesn't care...If you are just scare to be failed whatever you doing, and hesistate every single step towards the path you wanna to go ..then you maybe will take 10 times or maybe forever to at the same pace as other people who just do whatever to achieve their goals even only 1% of chance to success...they become famous not because of their brain is totally different from ours or they drank 100 times more DHA to make their neurons to connect together...but is their desire to be successful..
I belive everyone know that , in business the higher risk the bigger profit you can get and the more you will lose..What if you go and tell a people "hey i got a business deal with you, if you now sell of your proton iswara and your house, upon the success rate of 10% you will get a house that is double of the size you staying now" i guarantee 100 peoples 101 peoples will say "Lu siao ah??" ..that's what i mean of takut mati..even i also will say "lu siao ah??" when a people ask me like that...
Dont ever complain upon what other people can do and you cant if you admire you have no guts to bet all you have on 1 round like some people did.. =)
eh dont be misunderstand what i meant ok, i doesn't mean you use all your monthly allowance to go buy ToTo or 4D then will become dont dream la ,that's hoping a cat can come out with elephant teeth =.=, do something more meaningful other than throw your money into seawater ...
I wan to do something more meaningful d, i going to study last minute..cya =)