This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"

Philosophies of life..

By Imaginary That Never Ends. on 7:59 AM

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When people grow , the philosophy in life that we come across is enough to put into 300GB hard-disk..each and every single day...Some inspiring , keep me going-on ...some is when i feel tough life ahead...some philosophy even is sweet...

How many have come across you?? What about today .. did u think of any that add into your list??..I feel it rather unique , because everybody will have different philosophy...that's the only one that exist in this world and it belong to you...

Here's mine today:-
In life there's too much thing to put on your puny shoulder , you can't bring everything along with you in this life journey..sometime must know how to put down something not worth carry along...

Philosophy remain in words , not every single one that really can say it and do least for me

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