This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"
I wont read newspaper except got some very big thing happening out there..
I have some song that i listen for couple hundres of time...i still listening .. One of it is "The climb" by milley cyrus , second on the list will be "No boundaries" by Kris allen..They have one point in common is that those are very inspiring song..ops i forgot about "Hero" by Mariah Carey ..One of my favourite currently...
I was lying on my bed yesterday , i think about "tomorrow"...I know my target to hit , if i am working i must fight very hard at early it wont become a burden for me in the future when i am growing and have something else that's equally important to my job..
How about today..
Searching through the net , read those article that written by successful CEO definitely inspire me a lot...They have their own mission to grow better , they even encourage people to grow better even they are opposition in business wise for them...
How many people will really do it today??
If you do something better today , there's less worry you have tomorrow...Result dont always appear right away...they have to take time to "process" as well...
Are you eager to look for a good result to be appeared infront of you tomorrow??
That's desire to grow better...not for anything but for yourself...
Don't just read it through your eyes and store it in your mind...feel it your own , that's the joy of hardwork and the result of success...
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it..”