This Is The Tomorrow That I Can SEE.."HOPE"
Here's the long story ..
By Imaginary That Never Ends. on 8:05 AM
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Has been so long i didn't come out with a post that is with picture , and ladies and gentleman today i going to ...ehem , just continue reading..
Rewind back to sweet memories that i have when the last day of exam is just 2 hours more to the end of this semester ... normally when exam , sir or madam will say "please switch off your phone and dont conduct in any form of cheating" , if one day every candidates phone is on the floor i will naked and run on the field of my college not conduct in any form of cheating -.- this 1 more worse , i always see people write those formula or whateva thing on their hand or keep peep to other people paper like there's a pretty girl there stare like no body business ...
so that day we also put our wallet on the side there lor , last paper ma ...must take some picture to remember how we suffer in semester 6see kean wei phone just like ipod with their speaker beside , while joshua dunno doing what..
lol and it's a happy day , oh ya the first wallet is my 1 with popular card that going to expired..and dont ask me about how's the exam ...imagine how you can do microsoft office on the paper then u can imagine how i feel this semester...
Saturday - KDU open day + Relay for life 2009
oh this got a lot to post lol , ya open day after star education fair 2009 that just held at pisa few weeks ago...and we got called by sir again to help out , we just can nod our head and say yes ..guess what this time , normally 5 peoples will be seperated into 2 groups 1 for saturday and 1 for sunday , and this time also seperated into 2 groups the different is 4 people working on saturday and i working alone until 2pm when seong peng come accompany me ...
lol sorry that i didnt post up my picture for education fair , kinda of lazy ... btw we got many sponsor and partnership from various company e.g pensonic and also blue thunder .. ya they are consider electronic or electrical stuff based company.. with pensonic give more people to have a view on their dinasour "PLEO"believe my this dinasour i quite i hate him , because whenever girl come to the booth i incharge they will ask about the details for the pleo but not my phone number ... they will sayang the pleo as like this is their son .. i wan be pleo T_T...pleo you good lor , guy or girl also molest you ...
iya people dont cheat by his adorable face...see this is his true color ....
=.= look like dog only ...
Joshua say :" haiye why you so ugly 1 !! , i today go home sure got nightmare" ...josh such a people who judge from the cover so much =(...
he was shocked when got molested by my lecturer .. lol!!
while pleo has been abandon because of his looked , we come back to work again ...
we got new toy to play with , LEGO NXT ...tuan tuan dan madam madam , here is the LEGO NXTer the green color 1 is only part timer , ka leh fa only...the 1 with 3 finger 1 is the lego nxt..
This lego and those kids play is the same , just this more expensive and more high tech Rm2k for 3 finger robot ...This is they half way doing it , u see the robot no right hand 1 ...
Very ez only 1 , u just need to follow the manual ...and my lecturer say half an hour can finish??!?! later tell you why i know it's quite hard for newbie...
and then at the same time our college partnership member blue thunder got competition for giving out a free 4GB pen drive that cost RM35 to winner for every round and only have 3 rounds , i race at that track for quite long to train myself to win the free pen drive ...T_T manatau i lose it...
i stay at there until 4 something then i go to relay for life d ... purple color 1 this year the shirt , ok ok lor some say nice some say like girl ...when i reached there damn hard to find parking , i spot some residental area to park my car ...luckily not too bad =D...
sigh when i reach there , only i am there body else , so i just walk around to see got what good stuff there..
they playing guli-guli game , which team who pick the most consider win , but no price 1 ... because admission for the game is free ..MC telling those fella the instruction ...and that was the last game of the day oO...quite sien also i though later wan come play de ma...manatau they close it until tomorrow morning..suak lor...
i saw this thing at the end there , 1 of it is RM5 and what this 1 use for?? take a guess later u will know..their hand craft thingy all really nice ..
after that i go to find food to eat , hungry .....i just forth and back at the food booths there ...dunno what to eat , then i continue to walk lor ..finding KDU tent territory require a sharp eyes , because it was very hidden behind there... i cant recognize their face but i recognize my college T-Shirt .. but sadly when i found them , there's no one that i know because my friend still on the way , takkan i take my student card and go to them say "i am kdu student , i love kdu"...This is how they show they love kdu =D..and it make people easier to spot the tent there..i learn new thing that day , how to build a tent =S...and this relay for life is under nursing department that invite me and my another friend to kay po there...
ITU DIA , our nursing department student , i dont think here got 10 % of their department ..but this is definately more than 10% of engineering department...dont think bukan bukan lor , i not that kind of person because got girl go then i go 1 ...
spot the difference??.....I LOVE KDU ..muaks...
With the rainbow approach, and the event started as well ...rainbow is something symbolize colorful life =)...and also colorful result , but no red color pls..see the RM5 paper?? here it goes , this is a very biggggg circle with its center 4 blocks letter...
HOPE!! all this lantern is for someone they lost , and for people who infected , this 4 letters is the best medicine if you willing to believe there's hope...the another half of the circle is like this u know why i say is very big circle d lor...
Those picture taken by me was when i am waiting for Lucky DIP, first price a laptop , with other prices like firefly ticket , celebrity fitness whole package er , bluetooth mouse , handphone and much more much more...LAPTOP MAN wat the hell , RM5 only ok la try my luck today since cant win RM35 pen drive lol ..and i got ...this shirt ,they selling it at another stall RM5 also ...T_T sad luck 1 me ...
then when i go back they say they wan to play also , and that's when i took all the picture while they queuing up...hehehe...
Since i dont believe my luck was that bad , i wan to try again ...if i get laptop then tomorrow sure declare public my prize wasn't laptop but is thisa wireless digital mouse , not bluetooth 1 la..although is not as good as those RM100++ 1
but still worth more than RM10 ..=D my lucky still ok ma...
when we back to our tent we started to play games there , it was very funny thing la...wait for my next post for the game section , picture is not with me now... and my team at the last game sing rasa sayang and the barnie i love you , you love me loud loud at the lantern there...T_T..
and sunday is my turn to on duty , and from 9am-2pm i am all by myself ....killing lalat , because no people come near the place that i put the robot , they like that 1 dont give face at all...this is the things that for the LEGO NXT i build,
this is the outcome , the 1 without finger look like kayu 1 is the 1 i made...nice or not...
tomorrow got other thing to do summo , sigh is 2.40am in the morning ..i better go sleep tomorrow plan to go eat breakfast at market there , long time didnt go there d ..i miss the food there~~
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